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Covenant Child
Development Center
Preschool & Preschool Plus
We offer part-time preschool for children ages 3 and 4 years old. Our curriculum is designed to be developmentally appropriate for each age level. We expose our students to a large variety of topics which encourage observation, imitation, exploration, and use of critical thinking skills. Our teachers plan thematic-based units which allow them to be able to teach phonics, science, recognition of letters and numbers using one main theme. Each class is designed to give children many hands on opportunities.
Christian values are the heart of our curriculum. Our goal is not to teach specific doctrine, but to share God's love with our children through Bible stories, songs, verses, and prayer.
Included in our preschool program are Chapel and Music. More information about these special activities is provided on the Preschool/Daycare page.
The part-time preschool program closely follows Spartanburg District 2 Schools as far as Teacher Workdays, Christmas Break, Spring Break as well as Weather Delays and Closings.
Our part-time preschool classes are as follows and all classes are from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm :
3 Year Old Mon/Wed/Fri Class
3 Year Old Tue/Thur Class
4 Year Old Monday - Friday Class
*3's and 4's must be fully potty
trained to register.
Preschool Plus...
This program is an extension of our preschool program offered for parents that prefer a 2:00 dismissal time. Space is limited. Preschool Plus offers time for lunch and some extra play time with friends. Students must bring their own lunch for this program.


Call to get on our Waiting List!
We would love to hear from you! We register from our Waiting List each February
for the upcoming school year. New classes start in August
each year.

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